Have You Heard
large oil painting of a fashion from days gone by however the dress was designed and created by the costume guild and worn by the designer. Exhibited while the designers wore their costume, I called this piece “Have You Heard” as it debuted at the Heard Museum
Size (h w d): 48 x 36 x 1.5 in
Medium: Oil On Canvas
Subject Matter: dress
Type: Painting
Framed Size (h w d): 50 x 38 in
The next exhibition for this piece is in Some like it Haute
large oil painting of a fashion from days gone by however the dress was designed and created by the costume guild and worn by the designer. Exhibited while the designers wore their costume, I called this piece “Have You Heard” as it debuted at the Heard Museum
Size (h w d): 48 x 36 x 1.5 in
Medium: Oil On Canvas
Subject Matter: dress
Type: Painting
Framed Size (h w d): 50 x 38 in
The next exhibition for this piece is in Some like it Haute
large oil painting of a fashion from days gone by however the dress was designed and created by the costume guild and worn by the designer. Exhibited while the designers wore their costume, I called this piece “Have You Heard” as it debuted at the Heard Museum
Size (h w d): 48 x 36 x 1.5 in
Medium: Oil On Canvas
Subject Matter: dress
Type: Painting
Framed Size (h w d): 50 x 38 in
The next exhibition for this piece is in Some like it Haute