Pictures become time portals of remembrance. Light and shadows accentuate our memories and we dream in colors borrowed by the sea. Memories of the steps to our oceanfront home, the kiss of salty air, and the winds of serenity gently swirling the seagrass.
Size (h w d): 36 x 48 x 1.5 in
Medium: Acrylic On Canvas
Subject Matter: abstract
Type: Painting
Pictures become time portals of remembrance. Light and shadows accentuate our memories and we dream in colors borrowed by the sea. Memories of the steps to our oceanfront home, the kiss of salty air, and the winds of serenity gently swirling the seagrass.
Size (h w d): 36 x 48 x 1.5 in
Medium: Acrylic On Canvas
Subject Matter: abstract
Type: Painting
Pictures become time portals of remembrance. Light and shadows accentuate our memories and we dream in colors borrowed by the sea. Memories of the steps to our oceanfront home, the kiss of salty air, and the winds of serenity gently swirling the seagrass.
Size (h w d): 36 x 48 x 1.5 in
Medium: Acrylic On Canvas
Subject Matter: abstract
Type: Painting